Identity Restoration
Identity Restoration provides resources for rebuilding and restoring a compromised identity.
Credit Repair of San Antonio can help you restore your identity after a lost wallet, name change, or other unfortunate event. Our restoration professionals provide members with recommendations and instructions to make the process easier for their clients; however it is up to every individual's discretion on whether they would like our assistance in this matter.
For more severe cases, customers are served by designated staff who provide general customer service, product assistance, credit disputes or identity restoration services. We have bilingual specialists and hearing-impaired services available for 24 hour support with phone calls (day & night), emails and live chatting.
Credit Repair of San Antonio can help you restore your identity when it is stolen. Whether the theft has impacted one or many aspects of your life, we work to minimize and repair all damages done by thieves at a time where customers are most in need.
We understand how difficult it may be to go through legal proceedings without professional representation of an experienced litigation attorney or law firm; however at Legal Support Bureau our attorneys take everything from protecting victims' rights during prosecution to fighting wrongful convictions by digging up evidence such as DNA testing if necessary, making us known throughout Louisiana's expansive judicial system as one-stop shop for anyone who needs care when they need it most - regardless of circumstances.
Identity theft has been a problem in the United States for many years. Sometimes it can take time to recover from, but with Credit Repair of San Antonio you may be able to make all the difference in rebuilding your credit and improving your finances.